Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do
We do group fitness! Cool people, awesome coaches, excellent programming. All you have to do is show up! A typical class will involve something like: A warmup, some skill work that addresses the form and movement we're gonna do in "the workout," a workout of some sort, and hopefully a little cool down. The point isn't "just" the workout, it's learning about your body and it's limits. How it works. We use a lot of different modalities and equipment, so it's never boring.
Why is it so expensive?
Yes, it’s more expensive than a membership at a gym where you go in on your own and do the same thing over and over and over again. However, at Rocket you’re getting more than a membership. You’re getting intensive coaching. Think of it as personal training in a small group. You’re getting a community that is committed to you and in the trenches with you to inspire and support you. The larger question is “why do people keep paying, year after year?” That’s easy to answer: Because it works!
Do you have personal trainers?
Sure do, and they're awesome. Although we think our group fitness classes are all you need, sometimes you WANT a personal trainer to address an injury, or dig deep on a skill, or slowly start again or just for whatever reason. We can do that. Email us to get set up!
Can I Just Drop In Once In A While?
Technically, yes, but it probably won’t work, and you probably won’t get much out of it. First of all, it takes more than that to see a difference in your strength and your skills. But it also takes more than that to form the habit, to feel connected to the community. To really change your life. We hear the same things over and over. “But I don’t want to do the same thing all the time.” We don’t want you to either, which is why the core of what we do is "constantly varied." You will not get bored, and you'll be stronger for your other sports and activities. Trust us. Give us 2 months and see how you feel. Really.
But NO, WE DO NOT HAVE PUNCH CARDS. You can do drop-ins, or join. That's just how we do it.
Do I have to be fit to start?
Hell no. Come as you are, seriously. What we do is designed for ANY body. No matter your shape, size, age, ability, mobility or mood, we got you. Our coaches will be guiding you to make sure you're safe, and our community will welcome you. NO. MATTER. WHAT. (Well, unless you're an asshole, but we've had maybe 3 of those in 11 years. They don't last.)
Do you all eat like freaks?
Honestly, most of us at the gym just eat like “normal” people. We believe, strongly, that Health At Any Size is not only possible, but, well, healthy. We don't talk about weight and size at Rocket. We talk about how you feel and what you want to do.
Can I just try it out?
Sure. Check out some details on the Drop-In page!
Will you hold my hand?
Totally. I mean, probably not literally, unless that's actually what you want. But we will gladly meet with you - no pressure - to talk about your dreams and goals. And your fears. We'll tell you how we do what we do, and how we can work together. We'll check in on you as we go. So yes, we will be metaphorically holding your hand every step of the way.
How do I get started?
Just sign up, then walk through the door. Or email us if you have any more questions. We're super nice people, we care, and we'll make it easy for you. Well, the working out part might still be hard, but we'll make the scary parts as easy as we can.